Monday, April 20, 2009


I'm laying in bed this morning, half awake. The kids are sprawled out between us. (This is kind of becoming a habit. I think we need a king size bed.)I am trying my darndest to fall back to sleep and take advantage of the fact that everyone else is still zonked out.

After laying there for about ten minutes, trying to fight off anxiety inducing thoughts (we haven't heard anything yet), I start to doze off a little. Then all of a sudden...


Noah is sitting up with this big grin on his face, "Cock-a-doodle-do!" he crows again.

We're awake!

Pat and I are cracking up. Abby is giggling too. Where does he pick up this stuff? I still can't recall any cartoons he's seen lately that have had a rooster crowing at the crack of dawn. And we obviously don't live on a farm.

"Noah!" I laugh. "Are you a rooster?"

"No, Mama," he says, very matter of fact. "I a chicken! COCK-A-DOODLE-DO!!!"

He's such a funny kid. I sure do love those kiddos.

1 comment:

Jenny Ramsey said...

i think the rooster gene is just present from birth with some children. two of mine have the trait. sorry you couldn't sleep...i hate that.