Friday, December 16, 2011

We May Have Set a Record...

We picked out our tree in less than five minutes this year.

Being our first Christmas here, I had no idea where a tree farm/lot would be so we just went to Lowe's last Saturday.

We were in a crunch for time between standing in a line (that moved 4 feet in 25 minutes in the cold) for a Santa with brown eyebrows - which we saw once we decided to step out of line. I was so relieved we didn't wait  and that the kids agreed we needed to try to find the real Santa later instead of one of his helpers. Then Abby and I were off to see the Muppets and take a tour of the movie theater with her Brownie troop while Pat and Noah went searching for a $5 hockey set. By the time we all got back home, we only had a couple of hours to find a tree, eat dinner, and straighten up a bit before we had some friends over for dessert.

Thus a new family tree-picking record was set.  We could have tried to set a decorating record too, but I convinced the kids that the tree needed time to settle so we would decorate it the next day. There's no way we could have squeezed that in too.

Funny thing is that Sunday was just as crazy between church, a child's baptism after church, an unexpected meeting that Pat had to go to, and the missionaries coming over for dinner...but we finally got it done. Phew.

Now if we can just find the real Santa with white eyebrows (and a decent beard)...

Wish us luck!


amanda said...

yay for you guys!! and boo for a brown-eyebrowed santa!!

here's to finding the real guy this weekend!

Kat said...

Ooooo. Pretty tree!!! :)

Jenny Ramsey said...

white eyebrows and a decent crack me up.