Sunday, March 16, 2008

To preschool or not to preschool? That is the question...

I've been going back and forth about the preschool thing for Abby. Ideally, I would like a 2 mornings/wk program, but I can't find anything like that around here for less than $350 a month! Crazy! She already knows all her colors, she can count to 20 no problem, she knows all her letters, she can write her preschool would just be for the socialization and art projects, crafts,and to reinforce what she already knows. But $350 a month??? It's not really an option for us right now. So we go to story time, the children's museum a couple times a month, a gym class I just enrolled both Abby and Noah in, & Abby has dance class on Mondays (that I teach). I think it's good for her to have teachers other than me and have some time away from me to gain more independence (even though she seems pretty independent to me!), but I'm just not ready to put her in a class 3 or 4 days a week! She only has a year and a half before she starts school. I can't believe that...then she'll see her teacher more than she sees me! I think I'm going to have separation issues...haha :)


amanda said...

You are a better mom than I am. I loooove the break. Jane goes to preschool 3 days a week from 9-11:30. It is so nice. I think it'll help me when she actually starts kindergarten too. She has learned so much. She even knows how to sound out words.
But $350/month is pretty steep. We only pay $75/month. So if that were my dilemma, I'd say no because we wouldn't be able to afford it.
I didn't help much did I?

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

$75 a month??? Wow! That's awesome! The cheapest place I have come across is $140 a month and that's only 2 days a week.

Jenny Ramsey said...

you know how i feel about this issue. we have such a short time with them!! i think abby will be happy no matter what you decide.