Abby: Mama, I wanna get a pet.
Me: (sigh...Here we go again) I know, sweetie. But we're going to wait until you're a little older, remember?
Abby: But Mama, I wanna a pet now!
Me: (teasing) We do have a pet. We have Noah. (aka 2-year-old brother.)
Abby: (a little aggravated) MAMA! Noah is not a pet...He doesn't even have pointy ears or a tail or anything!
Me: (holding back my laughter) ...Pointy ears?
Abby: (very matter of fact)No! He's not a dog or cat or a fish! He doesn't go "woof,woof" or "meow" or "blub,blub".
Blub, blub??? Now I'm laughing...
I'm hoping that this little pet she picked out at Target today will tide her over for awhile...

Gabi's interest in the fish we got didn't last long. She's started asking for larger, non-aquatic animals again, and I've been seriously considering a tech pet. That little dog is cute!
Kids say the cutest things. I can't believe she wants a pet that bad and so young. Good to hold off though. until she can help take care of the darn thing.
The best pets have tails. Little brothers should come without tails, but we love those that do just the same.
i like blub blub the best :)
hoping the newest pet is a success!
Havig experienced this very same conversation we ended up with 4 fish.
After a week the kids stopped showing any interest.
Rob on the other hand talks to them like they are our children.
No more pets for us!
Hehe, blub blub :)
Too cute! And way to stand your ground on no pets :) Stay strong, momma!
we are so excited to get a pet for our daughter. We haev to wait till we have our own place, but when we do we are getting a dog. We have both always wanted one and we figured our kid wouldn't mind either :) Hoepfully are dog will sound more woof woof than blub blub :)
You are clever Kelli!
Love your new little pet.
I adore pets that require no housebreaking and training.
Love Abby's blub blub!
And glad to know that Noah doesn't have pointy ears and a tail.
I love kid-isms like this and I'm hoping the toy is a nice distraction. Which it TOTALLY WILL BE! :)
Finn brought in a rock today and I drew some eyes and a mouth on it. And we glued some hair.
Instant pet!! (and no poop!)
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