One tomato had actually started turning red. Then on Monday morning, my husband calls me after he's left for work and says, "Something took a bite out of the red tomato."
"Really? Darn!" I say, kind of annoyed. "Oh, well. At least we have a bunch more," I reassure myself, not really thinking about the potential threat to our precious tomatoes.
The next day, Pat comes in the door from work and says, "Did you guys pick the tomatoes?"
"Not yet. They're still green..."
"Aw, crap...they're all gone. I think the squirrels must have got to them."
"WHAT???" So I rush outside (Abby following behind) to find this...
And this...
No tomatoes anywhere. Even the green one that had fallen on the ground a few days before is gone.
"Oh my gosh! We've been robbed!" I say in a bit of shock. I know, it's a bit dramatic, but we've been waiting so long for these...
Poor little Abby is in tears. "My tomatoes!!! The squirrels got my tomatoes!"
"Aw, sweetie. I'm sorry. Those squirrels must have been hungry...More will grow..." I try to comfort my disappointed little girl, but there is no consoling her.
Trying to come up with a solution, I say, "Maybe they'll bring them back. They won't be able to eat all of those tomatoes."
She is still sniffling, but that thought seems to give her new found faith in those pesky squirrels.
Late that night, Daddy makes a quick trip to the grocery store for me.
The next day, when Daddy gets home from work, I slip outside for a sec and strategically place these...
Abby comes outside and gasps, starts jumping up and down, and yells out, "Mama! They brought them back! The squirrels brought them back!!!"
She was so ecstatic to have them back that she didn't even question the fact that they had grown to twice their size and turned red over night. Gotta love four-year-olds!
*****Calling all Gardeners - Any advice you have about how to keep the squirrels away, I am all ears!
What's your photo story? Link up here!

This made me laugh and cry...we had to work to keep the squirrels out of our garden. We used one of those plastic owls...I guess it worked because we didn't lose any tomatoes to squirrels. In fact, we have so many tomatoes that we wish the plant would stop making them!!
Nice trick!! Man, I'd be ticked, too, if my tomatoes disappeared!! Although when it comes to harvesting all the garden produce, any help is welcome!!
a little sneaky but who likes to disappoint a four year old.
Cute story! My son loves to pick tomatoes when we go to visit my parents. He eats them right off the vine. Your post brings back great memories for me. And your daughter is cute as can be!!
What a great dad! Love that story and her willingness to be happy and excited...
The SAME thing happened to us last year but our theif was a skunk. My husband was so mad (it was his first garden and he worked really hard on it). We never did find a solution other than picking them early and letting them ripen in the window sill. Not the same...
GREAT PSF! So glad you joined us this week!!
Those squirrels! Go figure, huh? Y'all came up with a very clever plan, though. I never would have thought of that--too cute!
Good luck with the squirrel problem, have you tried putting wire cages around them? That's all I could think of :)
Those pesky squirrels!
Glad that there were still some that she could have and eat. There is nothing like fresh grown tomatoes! YUM!
That is by far one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. You got a good one!
Have you tried netting? That could help, and you can find it in most home improvement stores like Lowes or Home Depot. Get that girl some tomatoes!!!
Wow. Is your husband the greatest or what? That is way too cute. I just picked 3 off our vine tonight. So far no squirrels for us, you might try a little cayenne pepper around the edges of the garden. Works for keeping cats out.
Oh no after all that anticipation.
Those pesky squirrels.
What a great daddy though making it all ok. Thanks goodness 4 year olds are still easily pleased.
You are too funny!
We have lots of squirrels at our bird feeder but so far they have shown no interest in our tomatoes. Something is eating all our strawberries though. So frustrating.
Good thing we don't have to live on only what we grow!
Not a gardener but that was a great idea you had to "replace" them.
Look at that smile! My daughter is starting to get wise to our trickery, but I think we might've been able to pull that off, too. Good job!
That is so funny! What friendly and thoughtful squirrels to bring the tomatoes back. Abby is so cute.
Ohhh, I SOOOO love how quick kids can go from sad to overly excited - great trick to save the day!
I wish I had some great advice to keep those pesky squirrels away, but sadly I don't.
oh my goodness honey!! i had to read it out loud to the hubby!! soo sweet and soo funny and soo sad all at the same time!!
takes replacing the fish in the fish bowl to a whole new level!
That is the CUTEST story!!The things mommies and daddies will do for their dear little ones :)
I almost cried when I read about the tomatoes being gone. I know how precious our one little plant is to us too!
I don't have any advice since plants just die around me :(
But that story was the most adorable wonderful story I've heard in a while. You and your hubby are so sweet, and your children are lucky to have you!
Thanks for sharing!
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