It's in the mail, Wendi!
And yes, I let my kids watch way too much Noggin this morning so I could get everything wrapped...(I even wrapped it all myself. Sorry, Tifany. My husband would have done a better job, but he was already at work. I'm really a gift bag kind of gal.)
I know you are just dying to know what's wrapped in that shimmering lavender tissue paper. (Lavender/purple is, of course, my FAVORITE color!)
Scroll down a bit so I don't ruin the surprise for my swap friend, Tifany, just in case she checks my blog wondering where her anxiously awaited package is...
*A cute little journal/notebook because writing is one of my FAVORITE things to do.
*Pink Mist Lip Shine (mint-infused) from Bath and Body Works. My friend, Jen, introduced me to these not too long ago. There are all kinds of flavors. LOVE these!
*While You Were Sleeping DVD- my all time FAVORITE romantic comedy. I think I've seen it at least 20 times. :)
*David Goes To School by David Shannon - You know how I love children's books. David Shannon is one of my FAVORITE author/illustrators.
*Dove chocolate with caramel filling....yum! No explanation needed.
And last, but not least, another one of my favorites that I couldn't include in the package so I sent it via "itunes gifts"...(I hope she has an ipod, but even if she doesn't, she can hopefully listen to the song on her computer.)
...One of my FAVORITE songs by Hilary Weeks - Faithful. Love her!

Of course, I cannot do a favorite things post without mentioning the one thing that is probably my most FAVORITE thing in the world. I wish I could have sent it, but I'm afraid it wouldn't have survived the trip...
A Crepe Diablotin from Baker's Crust...Believe me, if I could've, I would've!
Hope you enjoy the goodies, Tifany!
For more swapping fun, check out Wendi's Favorite Things Swap!
What a great package you sent!
I love it all.
A lot of thought went into that.
Can't wait to see what you get.
Thanks for participating Kelli!
O-my that crepe looks wonderful yumm lucky girl!
What a fabulous swap partner you were! That crepe thing looks so yummy my mouth is watering right now!
Wow! She is very lucky to recieve that! It all looked pretty all wrapped in purple too.
I absolutely LOOOVE those dove chocolates!!!!
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