You may remember her first fish...
...or recall this recent conversation informing me that having a pet is MUCH better than having a two-year-old little brother.
Abby: MAMA! Noah is not a pet...He doesn't even have pointy ears or a tail or anything!
Still, I held strong despite her numerous pleas since then..."When you're bigger, sweetie."
(Yes, I know a fish is not that big of a deal, but the visions in my head of constantly keeping Noah's curious little hands out of the fish bowl were haunting me. It's hard enough to keep him out of the toilet.)
Then came the "growth chart", an idea that she and Daddy came up with to calm her worries that she was "never going to grow big enough."
Over the past 2-3 weeks, Daddy has been measuring how tall she is. Abby's also been eating us out of house and home...not really the norm for her. Maybe she thought if she ate more, she would get taller faster, or else she's just been going through a growth spurt.
Lo and behold, last Sunday, Daddy measured her in at 42 inches. Almost a whole inch taller than when they started this growth chart a few weeks ago.
"Mama! I growed! I'm bigger now!" (Daddy swears up and down his measurements are accurate. Hmmmmm....)
How could I possibly argue with that?
I'm thinking this may have been a conspiracy. If Pat had his way, we'd have a dog, a rabbit, and a fish. (He promises he'll clean the tank...we'll see.)
One thing is for sure though...
I have one happy little, I mean, BIG girl.
For more photo story fun, click here...

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
She's standing on her tippy toes! :)
That's is just so cute and exciting!!!!
I know I've said this before (and if I haven't I SO meant to) but your writing is so fun to read!!!
Great PSF!
I really admire parents who take on the pet responsibility. We'll just be happy if our kids survive. The closest we've come to a pet, was my son's pet ice cube that he named "turtle." It was a magical ten minutes.
She looks so happy! BTW, my little E. has that same Carters outfit from Khol's. Great minds. . .
I love that you gave in. She looks so happy. She'll never forget it.
What are their names??
What a happy girl!
Apparently she willed herself to grow.
YEA!!! Good for her!
So glad to hear that she got big enough! Woooohooo! :)
Oh bless her she looks thrilled.
Hopefully the novelty will lasy much longer in your house than in mine.
So cute! But no more fish over here. I am not a tank cleaner and my husband, well. He's a pet enjoyer, not care-taker.
I have been mulling around the idea of a puppy. INSANE, I know...
LOVE Big-Girly-Ness!!
I love that picture of the goldfish in the cup! So cute!
Gabi was into her fish for about three days, then she moved on to asking for a chinchilla, lol. If you have a tube with bubbles (don't even ask me what it's really called), the tank should stay pretty clean. It's been months, and so far haven't had to clean ours out! Which is fabulous, because that task would fall to ME.
Yay for growing taller! Yay for pet fish!
This was a great month for her, huh? She looks so happy, honey!
Aww so cute! Glad you finally got a pet :)
That first picture totally cracked me up!! tee hee!
Good luck with your new pets!
Congratulations Abby on growing taller and getting some fish!
I sure hope Pat is keeping his word on the cleaning of the tank.
Around here those promises don't last so long.
I'm thinking you lost! They look very happy to have their pet!
They look very excited!! Great choice on having a tank with a lid - less chance of "playing" with the fish OR giving them toys to "play" with!!
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