Not only is it decked out in pink and leopard print, it's a great way to find "saucy" bloggers and for them to find you. And as the button says, this site is all about supporting your SITStas by leaving a little comment love.
I'm still fairly new to the SITStahood and haven't made roll call as often as I'd like to, but here are a few saucy blogs that I've come across in this great, big blogosphere...
The Most Important Work (Jen was the one that told me about SITS. Thanks, Jen. Be sure to check out the pics of the awesome Carnival b'day party she just threw for her daughter. Too cool!)
The Pink Teapot (A classy blog about simple ettiquette with an even classier playlist! Louis Armstrong, Harry Connick Jr, Ella Fitzgerald...I love it!)
My Chaos, My Bliss (I admit, I found Cecily before finding SITS, but I had to link her. Have you SEEN her photos? I only wish I could take pictures like that.)
Mamasphere (Laural was one of the first SITS girls to routinely leave comments on my blog and that was even before I joined the SITStahood...And she is HILARIOUS! This post is a crack-up. Yes, it was that funny, I went back through her archives to find it.haha)
Oh! The SITS girls just posted a really cool necklace....I'm hope I'm not too late to enter!
Happy blogging, SITStas! I can't wait to "meet" more of you. :)
Happy SITS Blogathon Day! I don't think it's ever too late to get in on a blogathon - nice place you have here!
YAY for SITS! Hope your blogathon day is going great! Your family is BEAUTIFUL!
Thanks for coming by and saying hi and it is never too late to join in. I got in on the beginning only because I took and nap at 8:00 and then couldn't go back to sleep until 1:00 a.m.
Happy SITs blogathon!
Happy SITS! It is never to late to try and win some free stuff!! haha! Laural is one of my favorites too!! She is soo funny! I am going to go check out the others you posted! I dont know them!! Thanks!
Hi!!! Nice to make so many new friends today! Happy blogathon!
Happy SITS Day!
Love those gorgeous beach pictures!
Happy SITSathon!
I am not doing a SITS post today as I am celebrating my 100th post. I would love it if you would please stop by and enter my giveaway.
Fun Blog!!!! Happy blogathon;)
Happy Blogathon Day from one SITSta to another!
Isn't this blogathon so much fun!
Hi and nice to meet ya fellow SITSta ;)
Happy Bloggython Day, SITSta! How fun is this? Woo hoo!
I love your blog already! The layout is so cute, and your kids are beautiful! This is my first time SITS posting...eek!
Keep up the sassy posts!!
Huh! I'll have to go check 'em out!
Where do you find the time girl?? I mean really, you have your hands into a bit of everything. I'm sure once I move out to Indiana I will have a little more time on my hands and will have to check out all the cool things you suggest on your blog.
Happy Blogathon Day :) I love your blog!
I shall have to check it out.
Like I need more reasons to sit on my backside at the computer.
Why do I not know about this?
Oh, that is right...I don't sit at the cool table yet.
Please share more about this.
Sounds very cool!
Thanks for the mention!
I can't believe I haven't been to your blog in six days- life has taken over, and I need to find a better way to handle everything.
Hope you had a great SITS Blogathon day!
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