Only my most FAVORITE children's author & illustator...
Mr. David Shannon. (well known for his clever & colorful DAVID books. If you have never read these, you've got to pick one up. Love them!)

All you moms out there tripping over obstacle courses of tonka trucks and mega blocks will definitely appreciate this new book...

I started laughing just seeing the book's cover on the display wall at Barnes & Noble. We are in need of a major "Too Many Toys" intervention in this house...especially with Christmas around the corner.
Enough about me and my giddiness for children's books....
What is your (or your kiddo's) favorite children's book and/or author & illustrator???
I just have to know! (Maybe I'll use it in one of my library story times.)
oh friend, just another reason why you and i were meant to be!!
david shannon is my all time favorite. the case of bad stripes, when the rain came down and of course beans favorite - alice the fairy.
i had no idea he had a new one out - looks like we are headed to the bookstore this afternoon!!
Mercer Mayer! I loved the Little Critter books as a child, my 2nd graders loved them in the classroom, and my 2-year-old is loving them now! The older ones are the best, but the newer ones are good too. Margaret Wise Brown is another favorite here.
I love so many books... Evan and I adore the books by Jamie Curtis and .... I can't remember her name and am too lazy to go upstairs and check. But they're cool.
The Doreen Cronin books like Click, Clack Moo and all the sequels are popular in my house (the latest one is election-related!). Same with Laura Numeroff and her If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and sequels. An old favorite that has fantastic new illustrations that my girls like is The Little Engine that Could.
my kids LOVE "the tallest shortest longest greenest brownest animal in the jungle" by keith faulkner. also "the monster at the end of this book" i'm not sure who the author is. it's a sesame street book published by little golden books??
I shall have to check out David Shannon.
Julia Donaldson is HUGELY popular in our house.
My two year old was a huge fan of Karen Katz and Sandra Boynton. Now, that she's older, we're looking for a new favorite. I'll check out some of these.
P.S. I finally added a blogroll to my blog and you are in it :)
I just love the pics of you and your family! You all look so happy :)
Actually, my daughter's favorite book is No, David, No by the same author! She LOVES looking at the pictures.
Those books rock! We love anything Dr. Seuss created to this day.
David Shannon is near the top of my list too - but my all time fave is Lucy Cousins. Who can resist Maisy?? My sons favorite book of hers (and mine too because I always get a kiss at the end) isHooray for Fish!
Love the title of that book. We have way to many toys in my little tiny house.
Our favorite auther is Rev. W. Awdry who rights the Thomas the Tank Engine stories. These were books long before Thomas the Train hit the TV and they are great stories. I think my son has them all.
We love David Shannon around here too!
The best!
We have so many loves....from Dr. Seuss to Sandra Boynton to Mercer Mayer.
I love children's books too!
We LOVE David Shannon around here! We'll have to check it out.
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