There are so many reasons why I shouldn't...
the HUGE glasses...
the cropped bangs...
the untamed Brooke Shields eyebrows...
But I'm doing it anyway 'cuz with all the crazy stuff going on in the world, we could all use a laugh.
Yup! That's me...right next to Jason Priestly aka "Brandon Walsh". I was a fan.(wasn't everybody?) This picture was taken on my 15th birthday, and yes, this poster hung on my wall until I graduated from high school.
When I heard that a NEW 90210 was coming back to TV with a few cast members from the original show, I admit, my interest was peaked. I've seen a couple previews and clips from the new series, but Kelly & Brenda just weren't my favorite characters. Now if they bring back Jason Priestly, I may have to DVR it once in awhile.
Need a laugh? Click here!

Did you say they are bringing it back? I will totally be a closet 90210 watcher! I watched it for years! I loved Donna and David!
Cute hair cut!
I was more of a bad boy fan, lol. Just this morning I was wishing I could get every single show and watch it start to finish. Now THAT would be a marathon! And bring back some fabulous memeories.
What a great picture! I love the look on your face. I was a closet fan, because my parents wouldn't let me hang their poster in my room!
Thanks for sharing your love with us!
I was a fan of 90210 from the beginning. However, for some reason, I have absolutely no interest in the new one. Gossip girl? Now that's a different story.
Amazing! You were (are) obviously a great fan.
LOVED 90210. I actually watched the whole show as re-runs when i was on bedrest during my pregnancy with Thomas. Reignited my crushes on both Luke and Jason. I guess the pregnancy hormones didn't help that situation.
Dylan, oh Dylan.... Sigh... If he had met ME, I could have cured his broken heart...
I had the exact same glasses!!!
I so thought you were Brenda in that picture:) What a hottie you were!!
The Hubs and I are wondering how long until the show gets cancelled.
Don't waste your time. It totally does not compare to the original.
I'm just sayin'...
Haha...that looks like it could be me next to my NSYNC posters--only it wasn't that long ago! haha
I don't even know what to say except ...been there. done that.
Thanks for sharing...brought back so many memories.
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