I'm making lunch for the kids today while they are pulling pots and pans out of the kitchen cabinet. (It's keeping them out of the refrigerator, at least.) Abby's trying to get my attention and says something you'd never expect out of the mouth of a 4-year-old...

"Look, Mama! I'm a pothead!!!"
Yikes!!! Definitely not a phrase I ever thought I'd post on my blog, but it was hilarious. My camera was right there so I had to snap a picture. :)
LOL! Makayla says crazy things like that!
Jane asked me today if sh#& was a bad word. She actually said the real word and I about died. Not sure where she heard it other than Brett had a very guilty look on his face as she said it. Too funny!!
And you are a true blogger if you have your camera available and ready!!
That is funny, Amanda. Good thing she asked you if it was a bad word before she started saying it at preschool or something. haha!
That's hilarious!!!
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