*9/30 - I know I technically posted this on Saturday, but I couldn't resist sharing my excitement at Seven Clown Circus' Wordful Wednesday!
200th post!
WOW!I've been thinking for a couple weeks about what to post for such a
"monumental" occasion, but couldn't seem to wrap my head around it...until today!
I walked on the moon!(...in an imax theater sort of way)
Ever since we first drove by the gigantic rocket towering outside the
*NASA Space and Rocket Center (Home of
*Space Camp) on our journey to our new home this past June, I couldn't wait check it out! As a kid, I always thought it would be awesome to go to *Space Camp, but it wasn't in the cards. I had to settle for
living vicariously through *Lea Thompson and *Kelly Preston. (Loved that movie!) But after finding out the admission price for the museum was $24.95 per adult, I knew we'd have to wait until we caught up a bit from this past year of job searching, moving expenses, etc...

Fast forward to this morning - My mom and step-dad are in town visiting for the first time so we thought it would be cool to go to the Space and Rocket Center, even though we'd have to fork over $50. Luckily, kids five and under are free. But then, amazingly enough, I was watching the news (
- I never watch the news) and found out that it was
MUSEUM DAY 2009 sponsored by the Smithsonian and you could go online and print FREE passes!
How awesome is that?

As soon as we walked into the place, I went straight to information table to find out about membership, volunteering, and, of course, SPACE CAMP! Did you know they have programs for educators? And that you can apply to be a Space Camp counselor?
Yesiree! My
dream may become a
reality after all.

Day camps start for kids ages 7 and up. Abby and I already counting down, and Noah is not too far behind. He already says -
"I going to be a astronaut and fly to da MOON!"

You never know.
Ordinary people can do
extraordinary things.

12 ordinary people have walked on the moon. More than 400 have traveled into space. An even higher number of people have made space travel possible through scientific research and perseverance. Rocket scientists, aviators, engineers, teachers...
Still there were skeptics who said
it couldn't be done.

Boy! Were they wrong!
That's awesome! What an inspiring post -- and a great reminder it's never too late to go after your dreams.
omg i LOOOOOVVEEE the movie space camp!! seriously one of my all time favorites!!
so gald you guys had such a great visit! and happy 200!!
How fun is that and free passes.It's about time you got some luck come your way. I wish I could have been there to see Abby and Noah's faces when they saw those giant rocketships for the first time. I hope you can work there some day.
I will be sure to do the moonwalk in class in celebration of your 200th post! Remember the words of Snow White, "Remember that dreams do come true." or something like that!?
Love you guys
Looks like you guys had a blast! I went there back when I was a teenager and I thought it was fascinating. Kuddos on going when it was FREE!
I too loved Space Camp! I always wanted to go to space camp too but knew that with all of us kids there was no chance of that. I still think it would be so fun even as an adult!
We found out there is a Museum in AZ that is named after the teacher that was on the Challenger. We want to check it out sometime!
I love all of the pictures! It looks like you all had such a good time. Even you with your kidney stone and all! :)
Looks like you all had a great experience.
Happy WW!
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