Friday, November 6, 2009

I've never been much of a daredevil...

As I was updating my sorry excuse for a word count yesterday(2328), thinking that all the other NaNo participants have left me in the dust, I was re-inspired after reading this on the NaNo homepage:

"It's so great seeing the word-count numbers rising upwards! If you're among the 70,000 authors who've signed up but not started writing yet, I applaud you.  That's the kind of cheeky daredevil-ism that this event is based on. Please do have a word count by the end of this weekend, though, or we'll cry."

No tears will be shed for me! 2328 is better than ZERO!!!  Still, I've got some major catching up to do. And I have to stop revising. I'm breaking the rules, I know. A NaNo rebel. I keep reminding myself that this is supposed to be "literary abandon!" I'm working on it though. That's one of the main reasons I wanted to embark on this noveling frenzy. I just need to WRITE!!! Not rewrite!!! The first step is to admit there is a problem, right?

Honestly, I really doubt I'll hit the 50,000 mark. Most middle grade novels are usually closer to 25,000 words, if that. Seriously, if I finish a 20,000-25,000 word rough draft during this process, that will be a major accomplishment for me. Of course, I could try to write two of them. Set my sites on a series, perhaps?

Now that would be daring!


AiringMyLaundry said...

Yeah, 50,000 is a lot especially if you have kids.

Jessie Oliveros said...

I'm not Nanoing but have set a much smaller personal goal, which I'm not reaching. Feeling a little behind by my own expectations. I didn't realize you wrote MG. I've kind of flirted with the idea, but all my main characters want to be romantic which ruins everything.